Friday, August 3, 2012

500$ award for your mobile project overview for mLearning

500$ award for your mobile project 
The free online course on mobile learning MobiMOOC will launch on 8 September 2012 and guide you through different mobile learning (mLearning) fields for three weeks. At the end of the three week course the MobiMOOC Award will be offered to the winning mLearning project, as voted by the MobiMOOC participants. The winning mLearning project will be that project which is considered by all as having the most impact for people living in difficult or challenged situations. Want to learn more about the course, than look at the course wiki here

In order to enter the contest and to win the MobiMOOC Award, you must participate in MobiMOOC (it is a free course, open to all). If you have notregistered for the course yet, you can enroll for free by becoming a member of the MobiMOOC Google group which can be found here.

The contest will be based on mLearning project overviews, that will be made based on a 10 step template that can be found here. If you already have an idea for a mobile project or you feel an idea will come soon, get a head start and take a look at the template to start brainstorming. 

Which are the topics covered by MobiMOOC (all facilitated by mLearning experts):

First week: 8 – 15 September 2012
mLearning intro and planning (facilitated by Ignatia Inge de Waard - Belgium - @ignatia )

Second week: 16 – 22 September 2012
Mobile Learning Curriculum Framework (facilitated by Adele Botha - South Africa - @adele_b )
Global issues mLearning (facilitated by John Traxler - United Kingdom and the globe - @johntraxler )
mLearning tools (a collaborative experience by all of us MobiMOOC participants, each one of us will share their top tools, benefits of these tools and experiences)

Third week: 23 – 29 September 2012 
Mobile Games (facilitated by David Parsons, New Zealand)
Augmented Reality mLearning (facilitated by Victor Alvarez, Spain)
Pedagogical theory, status of mLearning research (facilitated by Geoff Stead, Cambridge, UK)
ICT4D (facilitated by Michael Sean Gallagher - Korea / United Kingdom - @mseangallagher )
Train the trainer (facilitated by Jacqueline Batchelor, South Africa)
Corporate mLearning (facilitated by Amit Garg, India)
Mobile devices for activism (facilitated by Sean Abajian, California, US)
Mobile health or mHealth (facilitated by Malcolm Lewis, Australia)

30 September 2012: Award notification! The winner of the MobiMOOC award will be revealed.
Every MobiMOOC participant willing to enter the MobiMOOC award contest will be asked to send their overview by 25 September. From 28 September 2012 the vote will be open and on 30 September the winner will be revealed.

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Moroccan ICTE Events

Event name: 8ème Forum MEARN

Details: Le réseau Marocain de l'éducation et de ressources "MEARN" organise en collaboration avec l'académie régionale de l'éducation et de la formation "AREF Souss Massa Draa" son 8ème forum national sous le thème " les applications éducatifs des réseaux sociaux et des ressources du Web 2.0".

Time: 9-11 Avril 2013.

Location: Centre de la formation continue ZERKTOUNI à Agadir, Maroc

Full Program

Event name: QualiSup'1 2012

Details:Colloque international a pour objectifs la promotion de la Qualité de l’Enseignement, de la Recherche et du développement du savoir et du transfert de technologie au sein des Universités marocaines, et la création d’un espace de dialogue entre les différents acteurs de la Qualité au Maroc et à l’étranger plus d'informations ici.

Time: Fés, 6 et 7 Décembre 2012 8:00am

Location: Centre de Conférences, Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Fès

Full Program

Event name: International Technology, Education and Development Conference

Details: INTED2013 provides a platform to present and share your experiences in the fields of Education, Technology and Development in an international atmosphere. The attendance of more than 600 delegates from 70 different countries is expected.

Time: from the 4td to the 6th of March 2013.

Location: Valencia,Spain

Full Program

Event name: CIMQUSEF'2012: 9th International Congress of quality management in education and training systems

Details: The 9th International Congress of quality management in education and training systems will be held from 11 to 13 December 2012 under the theme "Role of good practices and prospective studies in improving the quality of education systems". CIMQUSEF is the international event that is powered by AMAQUEN The conference called the International Conference on Quality Management in the Systems of Education and Training ,to sign up get here

Time: 11-13 December , 2012 8:00am

Location: Faculté de médecine dentaire -Casablanca, Morocco

Full Program

Event name: IEEE international Colloquium in Information Science and Technology (CIST'12)

Details: CIST’2012 is part of the IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE SERIES that are held in Morocco, and is co-sponsored by the IEEE Morocco Section and the IEEE Morocco Computer & Communication Joint Chapter. The 2012 second edition will be held in Fez, Morocco.

Time: from the 22nd to the 24th of October 2012.

Location: Palais des congrès,Fez,Morocco

Full Program
Event name : Med-IT 2012 - 4ème édition

Details: Organisé au Maroc depuis 2009, MED-IT est un Salon International sur les Technologies de l'Information réservé aux décideurs du secteur IT. L'événement, qui se tient au Centre des Expositions de l'Office des Changes à Casablanca, accueille chaque année plus de 4.000 visiteurs professionnels et 180 exposants parmi lesquels les principaux acteurs marocains du secteur des Technologies de l'Information ainsi que 49% d'entreprises étrangères des pays du pourtour de la Méditerranée (Tunisie, Algérie, France, Espagne, Italie,…).

Time: Mardi 13 novembre 2011 - de 09h à 19h// Mercredi 14 novembre 2011 - de 09h à 19h// Jeudi 15 novembre 2011 - de 09h à 19h

Location: Parc des Expositions de l'Office des Changes (CICEC) Route d'El Jadida Casablanca, Maroc

Full Program

Event name: 1ére Conférence Nationale sur les Techologies Educatives

Details: L'Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech et l’Université Mohamed V Agdal de Rabat organisent la première édition de la Conférence Nationale sur les Technologies Educatives (CNTE2012) à Marrakech au Palais des Congrès

Time: Decembre 21-22, 2012 9:30am

Location: Palais des congres de Marrakech -Maroc

Full Program

Event name: L’Université Régionale de Formation 2012, Thème : Didactique des langues, des cultures et des disciplines à l’université

Details: L’Institut Français du Maroc – site de Fès organise conjointement avec l’Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah & le Laboratoire de recherche en Littérature, Communication et Didactique de la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines -Dhar El Mehraz-Fès l’Université Régionale de Formation 2012 sous le thème : Didactique des langues, des cultures et des disciplines à l’université

Time: 26-28 septembre , 2012 9:00am

Location: Palais des congrès Faculté des Sciences -Dhar EL Mahraz, Fes Morocco

Full Program


Details: 1er Atelier sur le déploiement de la formation en ligne. Ministère de l’Education Nationale - Université Al Akhawayn - Projet ITQANE

Time: Septembre 28-30, 2012 5:00pm

Location: Al Akhawayn University EEC Downtown ,Ifrane Morocco

Full Program

Event name: International conference on ICTE

Details: Information and Communication Technologies in Education: Future Prospects and Potential Challenges

Time: April 18 – 19, 2012 8:00am

Location: Moulay Ismail University School of Arts and Humanities,Meknes Morocco

Full Program

Event name: 1ères Assises des Technologies de la Formation au Maroc

Details: Enquête nationale visant la mise en place du "1er Baromètre du eLearningau Maroc"

Time: mardi 13 mars 2012

Location: Institut Supérieur de l'Information et de Communication (Avenue Allal Al Fassi, Madinat Al Irfane - Rabat -Maroc).
Full Program

Event name: Forum sur le e-learning

Details: Forum sur le e-learning Ministère de l’Education Nationale (Unité Centrale de la Formation des Cadres) Université Al Akhawayn à Ifrane – Projet ITQANE de l’USAID

Time: Ifrane, 26 et 27 avril 2012 9:00am

Location: Université Al Akhawayn, EEC – Auditorium 4 Campus de l’Université Al Akhawayn, Ifrane

Full Program